Friday, March 7, 2008

Machine Quilting

What a great night. All cozy and warm inside while it is snowing outside. It looks like we might get 2-4 inches. That is a big deal here. I am sure it will be gone by sunday. I figured tonight would be a good night to stay in my studio and finish up the fusing project I started on tuesday in Frieda's class. I just have the border left to machine quilt. Hopefully I will get it done tomorrow. I am going to send it to my mom in florida. She loves nature. I am going to go bury some threads now. I want to stay up a little longer and watch the weather.
Song of the day: "Ain't Nobody" by Chaka Khan


julie said...

How did you get that done so fast?? I need to kick it into high gear. Love those bright colors on the leaves, so pretty!

Yankee Girl ~ Missy said...

That is really beautiful!!!