It seemed a little early to have it today but it went really well. We decorated the tables last night. One of the committee members dried some hydrangeas and cut fresh greenery from her yard to use as centerpieces. They smelled wonderful and looked great. The hydrangeas had purple in them so they matched the tablecloths perfect. It was a nice change from the regular red and green. We had our business meeting, played a purse treasure hunt, and had a huge show and tell. Everyone seemed happy to have completed a christmas quilt. I have no pictures of the show and tell because I hardly even got to see it. I was getting the food ready, bummer! I am going to get to see pictures.
The pears were a big hit as door prizes. I can't wait to make some more. I think if I would have had the pattern in the summer I would have made everyone a pear. We also had a guild member that has an online store donate fat quarter packs. If you like all the contemporary fabrics her shop is great. I quit ordering from her online. I just found out where she lives and I go over there. She is probably like, this chic is crazy! She is great and her shop is Be Sew Happy.
Song of the day: "Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who
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